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An Arable Future

Southwark Council

BA3, 2019



Just like much of London, Peckham lacks green space and as a result is one of the most polluted places in the city which can have a damaging effect on the lives of young children.

Many residents in Peckham come from all corners of the world so there is huge demand for global produce. Rye Lane is littered with world food shops which import food from all over the globe, thus having greater negative effects on 

climate change.


This Urban Strategy looks to reinvisions Peckham as the farming community that it once was. Rye Lane links a series of new parks and urban farms which provide residents with vast amounts of green space and fresh produce without the pollution.


68% of the population are expected to live in cities by 2050, this will increase pressure on farmers to provide as their labour forces migrate, they are tied to their land.


Instead farmers will have the option to move into the cities and run one of these new urban farms. Vertical farming requires little heavy machinery so costs will fall and the produce can be sold on the doorstep to the residents of Peckham so unneccessary transportation is minimised.

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