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City of Lenses

Art Gallery

Tate Galleries

BA2, 2018



Portsmouth resembles a lense, it’s residents take breaks from everyday life to capture the views over the solent and beyond. This art gallery is an abstraction of the shutters in a camera lense and while doing so provides a safe, sheltered space to capture the views. Twisting up the historic 

ramparts, little hints are given as to what awaits at the top. Amongst some of the best landscape paintings and photographs is this ever changing landscape, captured by a huge expanse of glass.


At the centre is a new public garden which makes use of what is currently an underused and inaccessible part of the site while a new cafe frames views over the historic Garrison Chuch.


The materials used take inspiration from the neighbouring church that once held a royal wedding. Its light copper roofs will eventually give way to leave heavy stone walls that will last a 


Walking the densely packed streets gives no relief from everyday life. There are no signs that suggest Portsmouth is a seaside city encompassed in water. No stereotypical features that make our other coastal destinations so loveable. Instead, streets are crammed with unkempt Victorian terraces, the occasional 60s tower block too dangerous to live in and rows upon rows of cars that make no attempt to please the eye. The roads, like arteries, are an unplanned maze with little sign of escape or glimpse of what is beyond the houses. Suddenly a clearing is reached but is nothing more than a car park for a supermarket or shopping centre. The other side presents yet more  crowded streets featuring years of careless modifications and ‘to let’ boards, however once you emerge from the vast maze to the outskirts of the city it all starts to make sense. With expansive views on all sides, Portsmouth is all about looking out at what’s beyond and not standing on the beach glancing back into the functional city. You realise it doesn’t matter what the city looks like when facing the other way. It is simply a lense that enables 238,000 residents to capture the view

TOM LUFF Architecture & Design

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